Monday, September 28, 2009


Today world is fill with full of conflicts, problems, terrorism, starvation, communal and religious clashes and discrimination.How can we overcome these problems??? World leaders always speaking about these issues of starvation, terrorism and about other conflicts in different world meets, but unfortunately there is no positive out come. Situation become worse day by day. The reason is, we approaching these issues with narrow vision of how to tackle the problems for timely. That is why all our timely solutions and ideas are fail again and again, so the problems like starvation, terrorism and other conflicts keep on growing. Monopoly country leaders come up with some ideas, communists come up with some ideologies, democratic country leaders come up with some concepts and religious leaders come up with some procedure but at the end of the day all ideas, ideologies, concepts and procedures were got failed. Why everything got failed???? its because we trying to solve the issues straightaway at the top level without concentrating on the basics. What is that basics???? The basic is achieving the radical change in human thinking. We practiced or guided or ordered to think in some defined pattern that taught to us by our parents and teachers in this society. Each and every society formed with some defined patterns and dogmas. The people living in that society mostly not ready to break that pattern and dogmas. Sometime through some social revolutions like French revolution or Chinese revolutions under Maa-se-thung or Lenin's and stalin's revolution in Russia or Cheguvera revolutions, people get the courage and confidence to break the defined pattern and dogmas of the society, but still the problems are not over.China is on the edge of one more revolution today and Cheguvera exist only in the Tshirts of today youths.

Then what is real solution ????
Many social and spiritual philosophers are saying that the EDUCATION is the powerful tool that can solve all these world problems, but the EDUCATION that these philosophers are speaking is completely different from our current education system. Our education system only teach the students "What to think" but unfortunately not "How to think". World famous philosopher J.K ( Jiddu krishnamurthy) said that the teacher job is to teach the student how to think rather than what to think. Our education system giving priority to technical skill and money making business skill rather than the HUMAN VALUES. Our education system concentrating on creating an engineer who can invent different technical weapons to use in war rather than a developing a HUMAN who stop the war through his HUMAN skills.

The radical change in the education system is required throughout the world to solve all the world problems. Especially we need changes in school system. Today huge debate and discussions are going on in India about whether to have board exams or not for tenth standard students. Mr.Kabil Sibal, the HR minister of india trying to change some aspects of the Indian school education system, but the change we need to achieve is completely different from what Mr Sibal is speaking about for last one month in medias. The issue we need to discuss is 'What we need to teach" and "How we need to teach" rather than credit system or canceling the examination. Mr Sibal saying that exams are giving pressure to students, so we need to avoid the exams, but what we need to do is that to motivate the students and teach the students that how to handle and face the Pressure rather than escaping from that for timely.

What kind of education we need ???
We need true and pure education that helping the individual to be mature and free, to flower greatly in love and goodness. This is what we should be interested in, and not in shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern. As long as education is based on cut and dried principles, it can turn out men and women who are efficient, but it cannot produce creative HUMAN BEINGS.
The right kind of education consists in understanding the child as he is without imposing upon him an ideal of what we think he should be. The right kind of education begins with the educator, who must understand himself and free from established pattern of thoughts. As far the revolutionary Education system concern the problem is not child, it is the EDUCATOR. The good and ideal education system needs good and free educators, so educating the Educators is the key area we need to concentrate to achieve the good education system.

I like to share some of the words by J.K in which he telling his opinion about the good Educator.
As per him a good educator is one who wants the child to be rich inwardly, which will result in his giving right value to possessions. Without inner richness, wordly things become extravagantly important, leading to various forms of destruction and misery.
As per him Educator is one who teaches to encourage the student to find his true vocation, and to avoid those occupations that foster antagonism between man and man.
As per him the Educator is one who teaches to help the young towards self-knowledge, without which there can be no peace, no lasting happiness.

Without the right kind of teaching, illusion is taken for reality, and then the individual is ever in conflict within himself, and therefore there is conflict in his relationship with others, which is society, which is country, which is the world, so all the world problems are individual problems only and the individual problems can solve by providing good moral and ethical based education along with technical knowledge to each and every individual. I really hope that this kind of educational revolution will happen soon throughout the world that make the man to man relationship stronger beyond the country and cultural lines.

Thank you :)