What All We Need is AWARENESS
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Wonders of Women
For last two days there are discussions in electronic and paper media about the contribution of Women in Politics, Industry and in different social levels. There is no second view on it. Women contributions need to be increase lot in all the social fields , but my point is that we should not forgot the ultimate contributions that every Women in this country doing at the family level.
The great strength of this land is culture and strong family values. These family values and habits only saved our country from economic crisis during the heavy recessions periods in which even giants like US and Europe melts down. We survived not because of the Government's economic principles, it is because of an economic principle of House Wifes of this country. Their saving habit only saved us. They are masters in adapting to the whatever economic situations.
Women of this county doing the ultimate job of building the family, shaping the children for future world. In my point of view this is the toughest and essential job. Women skill level is more compare to man for doing this job. Now some section of intellectuals underestimating this contribution of women at the family level by saying women should not just bounded to family. Any kind of slavery or discrimination on women(or any human) is crime, there is no second view on it, but at the same time their role in constructing the family should not be underestimated.
More opportunities must be give to Women at all social level not just to participate and also to lead, but at the same time their contribution at the family level should be maintained and encouraged. Otherwise our family values start to degrade, Children may lead to wrong path and future will become complete mess. Hope both Men and Women understood this fundamental point. We must understand the true sense of Women liberation correctly.
HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY 2014 to all my friends :)
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
FREEDOM ( small FB chat with friend )
Freedom is the feel of heart.
Freedom wont exist without order.
Existence of order should be there in order to feel the essence of Freedom.
U can feel the freedom of week-end completely with full of joy, only after u worked for five full days.
So order and freedom are part and parcel of the same pack
If there is no concept of Order, then there is no concept of Freedom too.
Who need to put that order on me??
Is it my parent???
Is it my teacher???
Is it my higher officials???
Is it my society??
my government???
my religion???
my GOD??? ;)
If the order comes from parent, teacher, society or some other external persons or systems, then we can't feel freedom.
But at the same time without any order, one can't experience or feel the freedom
Contradiction na????
If no other can order me, then who can form an order for me, so that i can experience freedom out of that order????
Itssssss only meeeeeee !!!!!!
Its only me can form an order for me.
Dont let the teacher to form an order for u by saying don't see the corridor and listen on board.
Just u form ur own order such that i will listen to board when teacher is teaching :P.
Just u form ur own order for u such that i will listen for myself to understand the concepts.
At the moment of u forming ur own order for u, u becomes ur own master
U can experience an ultimate freedom
U wont feel any regret, sadness, frustration, etc.,
Only Joy remains.
Something which bring joy out of nothing is called true Freedom
It is not that, such a freedom happen when there is no Order.
It happen only when there is an Order, but that Order should be frame for u by u.
------- Many of the above points, i just looted from guys like Osho, JK and TK (my father) :P ;)
மாணவசக்தி மகத்தான சக்தி மட்டுமல்ல மந்திர சக்தியும் கூட
அமிழ்தாம் தமிழில், அவையோர் அன்பில் , ஆதிணன் அருளில்
அடுத்த சில நிமிடம் - இவடியேன் உரை
அவையோர் அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம்.
மானுடனாய் பிறப்பதற்கு மாதவம் செய்தல் வேண்டும் என்பார்,
அதிலும் மாணாக்கனாய் இருப்பதற்கு பெருந்தவம் செய்தல் வேண்டும்.
ஏட்டுகல்வி மட்டும் அல்லாது, நற்சிந்தனைகளையும், செயல்களையும், ஒழுக்கத்தையும் கற்று ஏற்றுகொள்ளும் ஒரே பருவம் மாணவர் பருவம். இவ்வுலகம் கண்ட அணைத்து அறிஞர்களையும், தத்துவவியலாளர்களையும், புரட்சியாளர்களையும், மாமேதைகளையும், அரசியல் வல்லுனர்களையும் உருவாகியது அவர்களின் மாணவ பருவம்.
மாணவசக்தி மகத்தான சக்தி மட்டுமல்ல மந்திர சக்தியும் கூட
தேவையானவற்றை படைத்தல், காத்தல், தேவையற்றதை அழித்தல் இவைதான் இறைவனின் பணி. இது அறிவியலின் பணியும் கூட. உலக இயக்கத்தின் அடிப்டையான இந்த பணியை மேற்கொள்ள மானுடர்களை தயார் செய்யும் பருவம் மாணவர்பருவம். அறிவியலாளனாய், சமூக ஆர்வலனாய், அரசியல்வாதியாய், போர்வீரணாய், போதகணாய் ஒருவன் உருவெடுக்க ஊக்குவிக்கும் தருணம் மாணவபருவம்.
இப்படிப்பட்ட மகத்தான இந்த சக்தியை விவாதிக்கும் இத்தருணத்தில் நாம் இன்னொரு முக்கியமான விடயத்தை கவனத்தில் கொள்ளுதல் வேண்டும். சக்தி சூழலை சார்ந்தது. விளக்கு நிறைய எண்ணை இருந்தாலும், இளம்பஞ்சு திரி இருந்தாலும், அத்திரி தூண்டபட வேண்டும், அன்றேல் திரி மூழ்கி ஒளி மறையும்.
மாணவ சக்தி என்னும் பேரொளியை தூண்டத்தான் இந்த கல்வி அமைப்பு, ஆசிரியர்கள், தேர்வு மற்றும் பிற.
தெய்வத்திற்கு முன்னாள் வைக்கபட்ட, மனித தெய்வங்களாகிய பெற்றோர் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்களுக்கு ஓர் வேண்டுகோள். அளவிற்கு அதிகமாக தூண்டப்பட்ட இளம்பஞ்சு திரி, அதிக ஓளி விடுவதை போல தோன்றினாலும், அது கருகி சாம்பலாகும்.
மாணவர்களுக்கு சுதந்திரம் அவசியம். அது அவர்களின் உரிமை. அதே தருணத்தில் மாணவர்களின் சிந்தனைக்கு ஒரு கேள்வி. இங்குள்ள அணைத்து மாணவர்களும் சுதந்திர விரும்பிகலாகதான் இருப்பீர்கள். ஆனால் எது சுதந்திரம் என்பதை நீங்கள் புரிந்து கொண்டீர்களா ???
தேர்வு வேண்டாம் என்பது சுதந்திரமா??? அல்லது அத்தேர்வை நல்லபடி தெரிந்தவரை எழுதிவிட்டு மன மகிழ்ச்சி அடைவது சுந்தந்திரமா ??? வகுப்பறையில் கவனிக்காமல் சன்னல் வழி, விழி வைத்திருப்பது சுதந்திரமா ??? அல்லது ஆசான் சொல்லும் பாடத்தை முழுமையாக கவனித்து, புதிய கருத்துகளை புரிந்து கொள்வது சுதந்திரமா ???
சிந்தியுங்கள் மாணவர்களே !!!
கட்டுபாடுகள் இல்லையெனில் சுதந்திரம் என்ற ஒன்றை எவராலும் அனுபவிக்க இயலாது. சுதந்திரமும், கட்டுபாடும் ஒரு நாணயத்தின் இரு பக்கங்கள். ஒன்றில்லையேல் மற்றொன்று செல்லா காசு.
எனவே பெற்றோரும், ஆசிரியரும் சமூகமும் வகுக்கும் சில கட்டுபாடுகள் அவசியம் என்பதை மாணவ சமூகம் புரிந்துகொள்ள வேண்டும்.
திரி தூண்டபடதான் வேண்டும் !!!
இத்தூண்டுதலை மாணவர்கள் தங்களுக்கு தாங்களே செய்து கொண்டால், அதுவே சுதந்தரத்தின் உச்ச கட்டம், விழிப்புணர்வின் ஆரம்பம்.
இங்குள்ள பல மாணவர்கள் விளையாட்டு வீரர்கள் என்றறிவேன். விளையாட்டு மனித சமூகத்தை செம்மையாகும் ஒரு சமூக செயற்கருவி. விளையாட்டின் அம்சங்களாகிய மனவுறுதி, உடலுறுதி, எதிரியையும் பாராட்டுதல், சகிப்புத்தன்மை, அதேசமயம் போர்குணம் என மற்றும் பல, ஒவ்வொரு மனிதனுக்கும் இருக்க வேண்டிய பண்புகள். இத்தகைய பண்புகளை ஏந்திநிற்கும் மாணவ செல்வங்களுக்கு எனது வாழ்த்துக்கள்.
இறுதியாக ஒன்று கூற விரும்புகிறேன். மாணவர்களே, மாணவபருவத்தை முழுமையாக அனுபவியுங்கள். இங்குள்ள ஒவ்வொரு பெரியவர்களையும் கேட்டுபாருங்கள், அனைவரும் சொல்வது, அவர்களின் வாழ்கையின் முக்கிய மறக்க முடியாத மகிழ்சியான தருணம் மாணவர் பருவம்.
நீங்கள் இன்று சிலவற்றை சுமை என கருதலாம், தேர்வு சுமை, வீட்டுபாட சுமை, கூடுதல் வகுப்பு நேர சுமை. கூர்ந்து கவனியுங்கள். சுமை என சொல்லுவது உங்கள் எண்ணமா அல்லது உங்கள் உடலா ??? எண்ணம் சொன்னால் அது மாயை. மன வலிமையை கூட்டுங்கள், சுமை சுகமாகும். உடல் சுமை என்று சொன்னால் நிறுத்திவிடுங்கள். உடலளவில் வருத்தி கொள்வது ஆபத்தானது. சுவர் இருந்தால் தான் சித்திரம் வரைய முடியும். மாணவர்களின் மன வலிமையை, நல்ல கருத்துகளாலும், உரையாடல்களாலும், அளவான அன்பான அறிவுரைகளாலும் கூட்டுவது பெற்றோர், ஆசிரியர் மற்றும் சமூகத்தின் கடமை.
மாணவர்களே!!! நீங்கள் நாளைய விஞ்சானிகள், அறிவியலாளர்கள், தத்துவவாதிகள், அரசியல்வாதிகள், கொள்கை அமைப்பாளர்கள், ஆசிரியர்கள், பெற்றோர்கள். நீங்கள் நாளை எதுவானாலும் சரி, ஒன்றைமட்டும் மறவாதீர்.
மானுடத்தின் அடிப்படை பண்பு மனிதநேயம் . மொழிகடந்து, இனம்கடந்து, சாதி ஒழித்து, நாடுகள் எல்லை கடந்து, இந்த பிரபஞ்சம் கடந்து அணைத்து உயிர்களையும், உன்னுயிராய் மதியுங்கள்.
வாழ்க தமிழ், வாழ்க மனிதம், வளர்க மனித நேயம் ( I wrote this few months back for my friend to address school students gathering)
Sunday, May 6, 2012
A Debate which took place in one ORKUT community 5 years back among my friends and myself
Sunday, September 5, 2010
எனது விருப்பமான முயற்சிகள், தவறிருந்தால் மன்னிக்கவும் திருத்தவும்
விட்டமில்லா வெளியும், விடையில்லா அதன் நிலையும்
உடலில்லா உயிரும், உருவில்லா அதன் உண்மையும்
அறிய உணர மலர்ந்தோம் இங்கு மானுடனாய்.
இருளின்றி ஒளியில்லை, ஒளியின்றி இருளுண்டு
இரவின் இருளை உணர்வோர் உண்டு
பகலின் இருளை உணர்வோர் உண்டோ
இதையுணர்வோர் உணர்வார் இருளே உண்மையாம்.
தும்பிக்கை கொண்டஅவன் நம்பிக்கை தந்திடுவான்
வேலவனின் அண்ணன்இவன் வினைகளெல்லாம் அறுத்திடுவான்
முனி அகத்தியனின் அறிவு அவன்
கனி ஒளவையின் ஆசான் இவன்
அவன் இவன் எவனென்றே அறியாரையும்
அன்பால் அரவணைப்பவன் எவன் ??? அவனே இவன்.
கருவாகி உயிராகி உணர்வாகி உருவாகி
மழலையாய் மாணாக்கனாய் வாலிபனை வயோதிகனாய்
ஓடோடி வழிதேடி போராடி யதைகொண்டாடி
முற்றுமோயிந்த முடிவிலி வாழ்கை - அன்றே
தொடருமோ மீண்டும் கருமுதலாய் ???????
உழுநர் உழுபடையேந்தி உழைப்பறி உழைஉழுத்த
ஊழியான் ஊழியன் உண்டிபசியால் உயக்க
உரியவன் பசிக்க உடையவன் புசிக்க
ஊழிமுதல்வனே உழவனின்ஊழ் வினைத்தீராயோ
பிறப்புண்டேல் இறப்புண்டு இறப்புண்டேல் மீண்டும் பிறப்புண்டோ
தீயவர் பிறப்பார் செய்தத்தீயதை துவ்வ - எனில்
நல்லோரும் பிறப்பார் செய்த நன்மையை துவ்வ
தீயவழி நல்வழியென இரண்டில்லை முக்தி முகடடைய
பொதுவழிஅது ஆதிமுக்தன் முக்கண்ணன் கண்டவழியே :)
மலர்ந்த கண்களிலே காட்சிகள் அற்று
விடும் மூச்சினிலே கவனத்தை வைத்து
செவிகளிலே பிரபஞ்ச ஓம்காரம் கேட்டு
நாவின் சொற்களிலே மௌனத்தை ஏற்று
பொய் மெய்தனிலே கவனத்தை விட்டு
சிந்தையிலே சிவசோதியை ஏற்று.
உயிர்பதெல்லாம் இயற்கை
இருப்பதெல்லாம் இயற்கை
இறப்பதெல்லாம் இயற்கை
இறைவனெல்லாம் இயற்கை
இதைமறப்பதுவே செயற்கை
மறுத் தறுத்து உணர்வதுவே யென்வேட்கை
புறகண்களின் வெளி மாயயை அழித்து
அககண்ணினுள் மெய் காட்சியை கொடுத்து
சித்தனாய் சுடலையாய் பித்தனாய் பிறைசூடனாய்
வருவாய் பிறப்பறுப்பாய் சிவனே
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Study this by having a Cup of Tea :)
Anyway in this article we will see about the unity among the different technical fields and different engineering streams.
At the college level, there are many unfortunate clashes and quarrels happening between different department students and as well as different department staffs. This article is to explain about the need of healthy interaction and unity between different departments of engineering field that will be results in greater and advanced technological developments.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one such a field where the pure form of unity between different engineering fields makes the machines which not only just look like human and also think and behave like man. Making the machine to think based on the situation is one of the area in which world scientists are working deeply. This process of giving or feeding intelligence to the machine artificially is known as AI.
We will discuss one simple basic example of AI. There is a Cup of tea on the table in front of me. I can see that. My brain sense that it is a Cup of tea, then my hand move and take that cup of tea. This is one natural activity happened through my natural intelligence.
If we design one machine to do the same, then it comes under AI area. Now we will see how different engineering fields get united to accomplish this task.
While discussing this we also need to discuss how the human body system doing this process of taking a tea cup from the table.
Human see the tea cup first through his/her eyes. Eyes give the image of that object (tea cup) once the eye lens focuses that, but HOW???????
Electromagnetic Spectrum divided in to different segments starting from Gamma Ray to Radio Waves [Whose wave length is from 10^-12m to 10^3m]. In which the small spectrum segment from 0.4 x 10^-6m to 0.7 x 10^-6m is known as Visible Spectrum Band. Human eyes are sensible to Visible Spectrum radiation only.
The visible spectrum rays (visible light) fall on the object (tea cup). The light rays get reflected from the tea cup. The amount of light reflects is purely depending upon the color of the Cup. This reflection will reach the human eye. The lens of the eye control by the muscles which flatten or focus the lens naturally based on the object distance. Once the lens focuses the object, the reflected light from that object falls on the eye screen Retina which is behind the lens. Pattern vision of tea cup is afforded by the distribution of discrete light receptors over the surface of Retina.
Two different kind of receptors are there in the Retina which are known as Cones and Rods. The 6 to 7 million Cones are responsible for color sensing and 75 to 150 million Rods give the overall Picture of the Object (Tea cup).
The first task is to design an Eye system artificially. Optical Physics and mechanical Engineers developed some lenses which can be automatically focus and zoom by some mechanical relay movement and sensors. This lenses act same as human eye lens, but some chemical films are doing the job of Retina. The machine eye is nothing but a kind of Digi Cam.
Once the image captured, then it need to be process. Once the human eye see the tea cup, the brain process that visual and understood that it is a tea cup. We need to develop some system to do this image processing artificially. Engineers worked on this and they developed one separate field known as “DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING”. Our brain naturally understood the image as tea cup while the eyes seeing that, but artificially the real time tea cup image from the artificial eye system need to be stored in some memory and then it need to be compare with other images which are already stored in the database memory. The mathematical concepts like Fourier Transform, FFT, DCT, IFT and Probability techniques used for this image processing.
All this comparing, sensing, controlling and commanding operations carried out by a “brain” naturally, but while implementing this task artificially, we need a “Computer” which process and control all the tasks.
Naturally once brain gets the visual, it forces the hand to move and grab the tea cup by the fingers. Artificially one need to design a mechanical hand with finger structure to carried out this.
Medical Science saying that totally 29 major and minor bones, 29 joints, 34 muscles and 48 named nerves are there in the hand. These muscles and joints make the hands and fingers move smoothly, so the next task is to make the mechanical machine hand and fingers. Mechanical engineers playing a key role in designing and manufacturing these joints and movable parts. Some driving force is required to move this mechanical hand and fingers. Electrical drives such as Stepper motor, DC motor or any other special motors used for moving the mechanical parts. For some simple movement simple electromagnetic relays also used. Electrical Engineers playing a vital role in designing this motors and relays based on the application. The smoothness of the movement is depends upon the number of joints and the kind of motors used to drive the mechanical parts.
As we know our human hand is controlled by brain, this machine hand controlled by a Computer. Once the computer get the visual from the Robo’s eye cam, it will process that visual image with its database images and after comparing it will find that the object is tea cup and then it will sends the signal to mechanical hand system to grab that cup. So the interconnection and data transfer between the eye cam to computer and Computer to mechanical hand system need to be properly design. Engineers developed many interconnection topologies for making this communication better.
If the interconnection need to be carried out in wireless manner means then the contribution from communication engineers to design transmitters and receivers plays a big role, but mostly wireless system used in the application where the processing and controlling computer system is reasonable away from real action field.
After many engineering fields and technology mingles as discussed above, the wonderful machine developed that can act as a Human, but AI field is not limited with this. As Humans we can taste the tea, but machine can’t. But the new Era of AI is keenly working on making the machine to understand the senses also, like smell, taste, facial expressions etc.,. Many new advanced inventions in Biological area like creation of artificial genes and hormones make the AI area to grow more efficiently.
We discussed how the unity and interaction between different engineering fields producing advanced technical inventions and innovations. The unity of engineering fields is nothing but a unity among different field of engineers. This unity and interaction should start from college level itself between the different department students.
Humanity is nothing but a Unity of Man, hope all we are humans: P. Always be united only on the basis of all we are the creatures on this beautiful world.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
My Cricket Memories
In this blog i like to share or recollect my cricketing memory which still there in my brain, as ever green moments.
It was happened while i was studying second standard i think so. It was a very early morning, rain fall sounds and Frogs quarrel were disrupting my sleep, my eyes opened lightly with out my willing. In that unconscious sleepy mode, I sensed that so much illumination in that dark single room(Hall) of my home. It was a Black & White Dynora TV which producing that illumination, my appa watching the cricket match. I still remember that scene of one short but giantic man holding the bat. This was my first cricket scene which is there in my memory. I don't remember anything much about this match, but i think this was a 1992 cricket world cup match which held in Australia because in Aus only matches started in early morning at Indian time, also only world cup matches were telecast in DD during that time. But I am sure on one thing that the short but giantic batsmen is Mr. DAVID BOON. Whenever i see him now in any interview or in any old match highlights my brain automatically recollect this wonderful memory.
I can recollect the clear pictures of the cricket matches from 1996 World cup which was held in India, so all the matches covered by DD and also so much hype for the tournament. During that time i was in my sixth standard. I can remember "India Today" magazine article in which they previewed about the each team strengths and weaknesses. They made an interesting and funny comment about Indian team that India's strength is "Sachin and Kumble" and weakness is "remaining Nine" lolz :P.
Tournament started. India's first match was against Kenya on one Sunday. On those days i went to dance class on Sunday. I tried my level best to cut the class but my father told that Kenya only batting first so u go to class and comeback and watch the Indian innings. I remembered that Kenya scored 199 runs. Sachin chased brilliantly and scored 127 runs with out losing his wicket.
Second match for India was Day & Night game with strong Westindies team. That team filled with full of heavy weights like great Lara, Captain Richardson, young Chandrapaul, fast and fury pair of Walsh and Ambrose along with Bishop. But Indians bowled well and restricted Westindies for a small score of around 175 (couldn't remember exactly). Indians Chase again led my our Master Sachin, but i remember the WI wicket keeper Browne dropped the lolly pop height catch of Sachin at the earliest stage of the innings itself. Sachin used this opportunity to full extent and scored 70 odd runs and finally got run out but not before taking India to comfortable winning position.
India went in to the third match with the confident of two wins, but against the better opponents Aussies. Again it was a day and night encounter. I didn't watch the first innings because of school, but back to home before India started their innings. Aussies posted the good score around 260. Cute Mark Waugh scored brilliant hundred. Once again it was Sachin chased the score rather than saying "team India" chased. Sachin was unstoppable and taking India almost to victory, but unfortunately he stumped by Healy by the bowling of Mark Waugh. He scored 90 runs, but after his dismissal, its only formality for Aussies. They wiped out the Indian lower middle order in a fraction of time and India lost by 15 odd runs.
Next match was against the minnow Srilanka. Yes we as a school students thought Srilanka was a minnow and its just like a another Kenya kind of match. This match was held on one Saturday and i was in my school ground to play cricket. It was a drizzly day and we played cricket in that wonderful climate in our beautiful school ground and asked India Vs Srilanka match score once for every hour in nearby home. Sachin once again played master knock and scored his carrier best score of 137 runs also Azaruddin scored 70 odd runs and India posted a very good total of 270 odd runs which is the match winning score during that era. But it was Jayasurya and Kaluwitharna show. This pair introduced the concept of demolishing the bowlers with in the first 15 overs. They did that on the Indian bowlers on that day, especially on Manoj Prabhakar. Ranathunga and Tilakarathne played an anchor innings and won the match for Srilanka. Whole India stunned and we understood that srilanka is not a minnow anymore.
So after two consecutive loses, India face Zimbabwe in a do or die encounter. India batted first and first time Sachin failed to deliver in this tournament. He bowled by Health Streak (one of my favorite Zimbabwe player), but his childhood friend Kambli played good innings and scored almost run a ball century and secured the berth for India in Quarterfinal.
I remembered the chat we made in our class about the India's opponent in quarterfinal, we had childish kind of cricket knowledge at that time which really make me to smile even if i remember now. We also thought that Jayasurya had Spring inside the bat hehehehe. Some of my friends in the class actually spread this story and most of us believed too at that age lolz.
Finally we came to know it is India Vs Pakistan in quarterfinal. As my history book and surrounding people taught that Pakistan is the enemy for India, this match created more interest and anticipation than other matches. I watched the full match. Sachin started slowly along with Sidhu. I remembered Sachin try to cut the ball for a single towards the third man and got inside edge and bowled. Sidhu played well and score 90 odd runs and Azar played fast innings but dismissed by a brilliant catch taken by Rashid Latif behind the stump. Then Jadega came in and thrashed the Pak bowlers all over the park of chinna swamy stadium at Bangalore. The highlight of his innings was the way he smashed Waqar Younis out of the park. India posted the very good score of 287, but Pakistan chased well. Amir Sohil and Sayeed Anwar thrashed the Indian bowlers and score 80 odd runs in just 10 overs. Amir Sohil hit the boundary of venky bowling and with egoist smile asked venky to saw the ball reaching the rope in a flash. Just after that delivery, Venky bowled one full toss but Sohil missed that ball completely and his stump rolled over. Now with aggression Venky asked sohil to see his stump roll over. Amazing moment, Whole crowd charged up and the atmosphere was electrifying. After this Indian bowlers charged up and picked up wickets in quick intervals, one excellent caught and bowled by Kumble is still there in my memory. India reached semifinal. Whole India celebrated not just because they qualified to semis, they celebrated because they beaten Pakistan (foolish people including me hehehe :P).
India faced the surprising package of the tournament Srilankans in semis on the very big stage of EDEN GARDENS. Nearly one lack people witnessed this match on the ground and millions and millions of people off the ground in front of TV screens. Srilanka batted first and dangerous pair Sanath and Kalu opened the innings for srilanka. Javagal srinath open the bowling for India and he picked up both the openers very cheaply. Kalu out for duck and sanath gone for just 1. Also he pick up tall and beard Gurusinha for just 1 run. Almost all the Indian fans decided match was over and India surely be in final, but little Aravindha played cameo innings and scored fast half century. As usual Ranathunga played an anchor innings and Mahanama and Tilagaratne scored useful runs and they reached the reasonable total of 251. I had a hope that India can chase that because we scored 270 odd runs in league match against them. As usual Sachin chased the score for India and he reaches half century and looking good to make an another century but unfortunately he stumped by the wide delivery of Sanath jeyasurya. Just after that Azzarudin caught and bowled by Darmasena. Majerakar and Jadega bowled by Sanath in quick sessions. India suddenly became 98 for 1 to 120 for 8 :(. Calcutta crowds disappointed lot and they start to throw some bottles and other things on the ground. Surely one of the sad moment of Indian Cricket history. Kambli and Kumble on the crease at that time but match stopped and srilanka declared as Winner. I was not at all able to understand what happening there while seeing in TV, but i started to cry after seeing Vinoth Kambli cry. My father asked me to switch off the TV and sleep. It was one of the long night for me:( India dream of winning world cup second time came to an end at Edens. I didn't watched the final at all that took place between Aussies and Srilankans.
That time there was some gossip that India deliberately lost the match because of the terrorist threat to Indian players. Final was held in Pakistan. Some people went more and told 11 dead body boxes were prepared for Indian players to welcome them if they came to Pak to play final (substitutes escaped :P). Of course all these were just gossip.
The series i remember( telecasted in DD) after 1996 world cup was Titan Cup. The special thing about this tournament was, Sachin's maiden captaincy tournament. This was tough test for Sachin because the other two teams in that Tri series are Aussies and South Africans. Another best thing about this tournament was Robin singh did his debut in this tournament against Aussies. It created more hype in my home because he is from Madras. I remember his performance in that match, he didn't clicked well in batting as he came to crease late, but he bowled well. In first over itself he picked wicket. I think he picked up two important wicket in that match and i remember one in that was Stuart Law. India and South Africa reached the final and India won at last. Thanks to some good bowling by Kumble and some excellent catching and fielding by Robin. I remembered that the crucial partnership between Richardsan and Pat Symcox while chasing the Indian target was broken by Kumble. Sachin lifted that Titan maiden trophy as Captain.
After this period only, the era of Dravid and Ganguly started, even though they made their debut well before. Both introduced in one England series, but i didn't watched this series in live because it was telecast in star sports not in DD. Especially Ganguly admired many at that time by his all round performance. I watched some matches in my neighbor home which was held in Toronto versus Pakistan. India won the five match series by 4-1 and in all the four matches Ganguly emerged as man of the match winner. He batted as well as bowled really well in that series. Ganguly almost overcome Sachin at that point of time, Sachin also suffered lot because of captaincy pressure at that time which affect his game.
During 1997 India celebrated the 50th Independence day and as a mark of that India conducted one tournament "Independence Cup", but i remember India just won only one match in that series against Newzeland. In this series only Anwar scored that world record score of 194 against India at Chennai :(. Sachin was captain the side at that time. On chasing Dravid scored his first Hundred of his carrier. No one was there in my home that day, i remember that i watched this match alone with frustration. Finally Srilanka taken the India's independence cup to their home by beating Pakistan in final. But India revenged this by beating srilanka and taken their Indepedence cup to India latter. Pakistan also conducted one independence cup. I heard this tournament final match commentary in Radio. It was a tight match India needed something as 5 runs from 3 balls i think so. Indian Off spinner Rajesh Chaugan hits a huge six of the bowling of Saquline Mustaque and captured the Pakistan Independence (Cup) lolz. Among all this independence cup tournament Bangladesh Independence cup was highlighted one. India chased the world record score of 314 against Pakistan. Ganguly played a master innings of 124 runs and Robin Singh scored a wonderful knock of 83, but it was Kanitkar at the end who sweeps the ball of saqline to boundary and taken India to world record history. This man Kanitkar played for India nearly two years after this match because of that single boundary he scored hehehe.
Sachin was not in really good form when he was captain the side also after India losing the home test series against South Africa, many criticism raised and Sachin frustrated and resigned his captaincy. After that Azarudhin again taken over the captaincy from Sachin and Gaekward taken over the coaching from Kapildev. During this time only we bought colour TV in my home. The first series i watched in that colour TV(this TV only still running in my home for last 12 years, importantly this is Indian make CROWN TV, but unfortunately that company is not any more) was a tri series between India, Australia and Zimbabwe. India did well in league stages but lost in final against Aussies. After this India did well in home series against Pak and did well in many sharja tournaments and went in to 1999 world cup under the captaincy of Azar but failed to deliver. Sachin, Ganguly and Dravid played some good innings in patches in this tournament but losing the league match against Zimbawave costs India more in super six stage and India out of world cup.
Only the console thing was India defeated Pak in super six.
After this only that controversial south African team led by talented Hansie Cronje came to India for test and one day series. Match fixing allegation arise during this series and Azhar sacked from team and Ganguly taken the captaincy. After this series many player like Azhar, Jadeja, Nyan mongia sacked from the team. Ganguly lead the young Indian team to Nairobi for a mini world cup. Era of Yuvaraj and Zaheer khan actually started here. Yuvaraj brilliant 84 against Aussies and Zaheer's wonderful yorkers gave the new dimension to Indian cricket. Credit should go to Ganguly for molding many raw talents as yuvaraj, zaheer, kaif, Harbajan and more. Irrespective of good show by an Indian team in this tournament we lost to Newzeland in final. Chris Cairns single handedly did this for them by scoring brilliant century. Also a home series versus Australia reveal the Ganguly's aggressive captaincy to world. This was amazing series which was held when i was in my Higher secondary. At the third day end India was scored 200 odd runs and lost their important wickets of sachin and ganguly after Australia forced India to follow-on. Laxman was on crease at 106 and Dravid was on 6. All cricket experts said that Indian defeat is almost certain, but my heart said that there is something going to happen tomorrow, so i was put the leave for school and sit in front of TV from first delivery. Laxman continued from where he left on the previous day and Dravid started slowly but gradually came in to nice shape. I remembered apart from two close lbw appeal from the bowling of Ricky Pointing just before the lunch session, the both played really well and many records broken on that traditional Eden stage. Next day it was Bajji who ran through the Aussie batting line up. People may say that India won this match because of the individual brilliancy of Laxman, Dravid and Harbajan. Of course no one can deny this, but at the same time it was sachin who picked up three important wickets in that last session of the fifth day. India won this series by a margin of 2-1 which was one of the great moment that almost change the approach of Indian cricketing style.
Many important as well as many interesting series happened after this. The Era of Shewag, Dhoni and others, the successful campaign by the Indian team in 2003 world cup(again of course its Sachin stands tall for India once again), Series win in England,West Indies and in PAK, first test match win in South Africa hehehe, Some great tournament in Australia against Australia, T20 world cup championship and so on. Also some poor performance as 2007 world cup debacle and some controversies as sacking the seniors from team and so on.
They hype about cricket is huge nowadays and coverage by media is extra ordinary and some time it is too much also. Whatever the present status of cricket, the past was memorable and sweet for me personally. I really hope that i will tell the same even after the many decades from now. At that time current present era will become past. I am eagerly waiting to see how the cricket will get transition especially after the impact of many innovations and new formats like T20.
Thanks for reading this friends :)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Simple Questions and an Interesting Answers
I am not writing any of my thoughts in this section of my blog. I just compiled some interesting Questions and my favorite philosopher’s answers for those questions in this blog.
Question: I don't know why I am here???????
Answer by Osho: Nobody knows. There is no way to know it, and there is no need to know it. This constant questioning - why am I here? why am I doing this? - this constant hankering for the why is a disease of the mind. No answer is going to satisfy you, because the why can be asked again. If I say something, "You are here because of this..." the why will be pushed back a little, that's all. You will again ask why. The why is non ending.
Once you understand it, you drop it. The why is ridiculous. Rather than asking, Why am I here? it is better to use the opportunity, it is better to flower, it is better to exist authentically. And this is the beauty of it, that once you start existing authentically, truly, once you stop all nonsense thinking and you start delighting in life, once you are no longer a philosopher, the why is answered. But it is not answered by anyone from the outside, it is answered by your own life energy.
The answer is possible, but it is not going to come like an answer, it is going to come like a lived experience. The answer is going to be existential, not intellectual. The question is intellectual. Drop it! Rather, be! Otherwise, you can go on asking... For centuries man has asked millions of questions; not a single question has been solved by speculation, thinking, logic, or reason. Not even a single question has been solved. On the contrary, whenever people have tried to answer a question, the answer has created a thousand and one more questions.
Question: Why do you tell jokes? And why don't you laugh at your own jokes?
Have you not observed that man is the only animal who laughs? Aristotle says man is the rational animal. That may not be true -- because ants are very rational and bees are very rational. In fact, compared to ants, man looks almost irrational. And a computer is very rational -- compared to a computer, man is very irrational.
My definition of man is that man is the laughing animal. No computer laughs, no ant laughs, no bee laughs. If you come across a dog laughing you will be so scared! Or a buffalo suddenly laughs: you may have a heart attack. It is only man who can laugh, it is the highest peak of growth.
And it is through laughter that you will reach to God -- because it is only through the highest that is in you that you can reach the ultimate. Laughter has to become the bridge. Laugh your way to God. I don't say pray your way to God, I say laugh your way to God. If you can laugh you will be able to love. If you can laugh you will be able to relax. Laughter relaxes like nothing else.
So all jokes to me are prayers -- that's why I tell them. And you ask: WHY DON'T YOU LAUGH AT YOUR OWN JOKES? Because I have heard them before.
Question: What is freedom?
Jiddu krishnamurti Answers: Many philosophers have written about freedom. We talk of freedom - freedom to do what we like, to have any job we like, freedom to choose a woman or a man, freedom to read any book, or freedom not to read at all. We are free, and what do we do with that freedom? We use that freedom to express ourselves, to do whatever we like. More and more life is becoming permissive.
We have every kind of freedom and what have we done with it. We think that where there is choice we have freedom. I can go to
So what is freedom? Is it based on choice? Is it to do exactly what we like? Some psychologists say, if you feel something, do not suppress, restrain or control it, but express it immediately. And we are doing that very well, too well. And this is also called freedom. Is throwing bombs freedom? - just look what we have reduced our freedom to!
Does freedom lie out there, or here? Where do you begin to search for freedom? In the outward world, where you express whatever you like, the so-called individual freedom, or does freedom begin inwardly, which then expresses itself intelligently outwardly? You understand my question? freedom exists only when there is no confusion inside me, when I am psychologically and religiously not to be caught in any trap - you understand? There are innumerable traps: gurus, saviors, preachers, excellent books, psychologists and psychiatrists; they are all traps.
Question: what is an EDUCATION?
J.K Answer: Education is not merely a matter of training the mind. Training makes for efficiency, but it does not bring about completeness. A mind that has merely been trained is the continuation of the past, and such a mind can never discover the new. That is why, to find out what is right education, we will have to inquire into the whole significance of living.
Education is not merely acquiring knowledge, gathering and correlating facts; it is to see the significance of life as a whole. But the whole cannot be approached through the part - which is what governments, organized religions and authoritarian parties are attempting to do.
The function of education is to create human beings who are integrated and therefore intelligent. We may take degrees and be mechanically efficient without being intelligent. Intelligence is not mere information; it is not derived from books, nor does it consist of clever self-defensive responses and aggressive assertions. One who has not studied may be more intelligent than the learned. We have made examinations and degrees the criterion of intelligence and have developed cunning minds that avoid vital human issues. Intelligence is the capacity to perceive the essential, the what is; and to awaken this capacity, in oneself and in others, is education.
Education should not encourage the individual to conform to society or to be negatively harmonious with it, but help him to discover the true values which come with unbiased investigation and self-awareness. When there is no self-knowledge, self-expression becomes self-assertion, with all its aggressive and ambitious conflicts. Education should awaken the capacity to be self-aware and not merely indulge in gratifying self-expression.
The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole. The idealist, like the specialist, is not concerned with the whole, but only with a part. There can be no integration as long as one is pursuing an ideal pattern of action; and most teachers who are idealists have put away love, they have dry minds and hard hearts. To study a child, one has to be alert, watchful, self-aware, and this demands far greater intelligence and affection than to encourage him to follow an ideal. Another function of education is to create new values. Merely to implant existing values in the mind of the child, to make him conform to ideals, is to condition him without awakening his intelligence. Education is intimately related to the present world crisis, and the educator who sees the causes of this universal chaos should ask himself how to awaken intelligence in the student, thus helping the coming generation not to bring about further conflict and disaster.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tom and Jerry story for u friends
There was a small home and in that home there was a cat Tom and a little mouse Jerry. As all we know Tom and Jerry are cute and lovely enemies[:P]. Jerry got a new relationship in form his new small baby Jerry. Mother Jerry start to teach the different things to his baby Jerry. One day mother Jerry advised its baby Jerry that it should not to go beyond this line area, but like the human kids, in curiosity, the baby Jerry went beyond that line. Baby Jerry crosses that line and walks with joy by singing a song that taught by its mother Jerry. Suddenly our comedy terror Tom came in to the scene and start to chase the baby Jerry. Baby Jerry got a fear first time in its life and start to run fast. Tom keep on chasing and Baby Jerry lost the way to back to his area and it take diversion and keep on running and Tom keep on chasing. Suddenly there was a sound of Boxer Dog barking. Our Tom suddenly put a break and take reverse gear and run away and hide. Baby Jerry stopped its running and got down on a floor in tiredness. Suddenly couple of hand lifted the baby Jerry and hugged. Baby Jerry easily realized that this was its mother Jerry even it was in the faint. After become active in couple of minutes, baby Jerry told all the story to its mother and also baby Jerry praised the Dog a lot and keep on saying thanks to that Dog.The mother Jerry start to laugh. Baby Jerry surprised because of its mother laugh and asks "Why are u laughing Mom ???". Mother Jerry politely says "stop ur praising of Dog, because no Dog here,so no Dog barked. It was only me who barked as Dog to save u from Tom. Keep one thing in ur mind baby,knowing Mother tongue only not enough, we need to know some Dog tongue also to survive in this world" ( தாய் மொழி மட்டும் தெரிந்து இருந்தால் போதாது, சில நாய் மொழியும் தெரிஞ்சி இருக்கனும். அப்போ தான் இந்த உலகத்துல பிழைக்க முடியும் ).
The moral of this story is, nothing wrong in learn other language to survive in this world, but whatever language u learn its just like a dog language (as per the story above[:P]). Your mother language always stays there as ur mother. So never ever insult ur mother language because of the the illusionary affection on any other dog language[:P].
வாழ்க தமிழ் ( u can say "Praise Telugu or Hindi or Kanada or Malayaalam or English or whatever other language, but it should be ur mother tongue)
Thank u :)